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People who visited CHOO-P

In the month of September, with the kind introduction from Kamy Holmes, I got to know many crafters of Leather Society (687 members) and several members came to visit and also made purchases from the shop too. It has been an exciting month and I've learned and picked up many valuable knowledge on managing a leathercraft store, both from friends and crafters! Special thanks to Mr Chan of Brothers' Leathercraft who continued supporting me even after his recent visit.

As the stock for tools & accessories, including leather are still not fully furnished, I am replenishing them soon and pending arrival from Hong Kong and other sources.

During this month, being a crafter myself, I had produced several small items customized by walk-in customers (some photos below) and felt happy as I had never sell any of my past products before (I like them so much that I continue keeping them as display in the shop currently).

I will be introducing two different business model soon:

(1) Taking orders for Alphabets and Logo brass Stamps for crafters who wishes to make their product branding and personalized label.

(2) Conducting workshop classes (small group 3-4 person) as many customers requested my coaching while purchasing the tools & accessories. Intended commencement date will be early October 2016.

Dr Cordioli bought the Ghost wax Blue cardholder
Evelyn with her Mini Clutch for Tissue pack
Mr Chan chatting with Macky of Gazelle 91
Colleague Lily visited and ordered coin wallet plus cardholder
Cindy custom made a notepad cover with natural veg tanned leather
Crafter Qin Hui visited and gave many good advises
New display for local crafters' product to exhibit and sale

&mpersand and The ScorpionS products
Happy customer sharing leather for their projects!
Crafter Edmund making an item for his lovely wife
Good friend visited and ordered coin wallet
Casey & Joanne found a place to buy leathercraft tools in Singapore finally!

© 2016 by CHOO-P Leathercraft.

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